Study visit to the United Nations in Vienna

Study visit to the United Nations in Vienna
16 September - 20 September 2024

We welcome interest in our 5-day, 6-night Study Tour to Vienna, host to important United Nations agencies.

The UN Family in Vienna The Vienna International Centre (VIC) hosts the International Atomic Energy Agency, UN Office of Drugs and Crime, UN International Development Organisation, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, International Narcotic Control Board and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation.

Programme Summary We will meet senior staff of several of these UN agencies and also visit independent institutions and meet informed diplomats. We hope to visit the UK Mission to the UN in Vienna which also represents the UK at meetings of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Separately, we will learn about the work of the OSCE. There will also be time to explore the historic city of Vienna, from its magnificent Schönbrunn Palace to its museums, concert halls and, in its historic centre, its famous cafes.

Making it easy To offer maximum flexibility, tour party members will travel independently to Vienna. Alternative airports nearby are in Bratislava in Slovakia and Linz, Austria, both with good bus links to Vienna.

We will meet up in our chosen city centre hotel in the evening of Sunday 14 April. We will travel by metro and tram to the VIC and other venues in this compact city. Taxis for disabled tour members can be arranged.

What are the options?

Option 1 StudyTour Programme only

You arrange your own travel to Vienna, accommodation, meals and metro/bus tickets. You will join the party at the VIC each morning and for all meetings scheduled in the city. Lunch is taken on most days in the excellent UN cafeteria which provides for all diets.


Option 2 Tour Programme and help in finding accommodation

You arrange your own travel to Vienna and we introduce you to others wishing to share Airbnb type accommodation with which we can assist. You will join the party at the VIC each morning and for all meetings scheduled in the city. Lunch is taken on most days in the excellent UN cafeteria which provides for all diets

TARGET COST: from £200 approx (5 sharing an Airbnb apartment) upwards.

Option 3 Hotel with evening meals

INCLUDED - Six nights’ accommodation with breakfast, five evening meals (Monday-Friday) and all metro/bus tickets.

NOT INCLUDED - travel to Vienna and lunch which is taken on most days in the excellent UN cafeteria which provides for all diets.


Single person, in twin-bed room with ensuite bathroom: £750

Single person, own room with ensuite bathroom £1050

NEXT STEP? - Register your interest now without commitment.

Preis Frei
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