Wien - Darsteller

Irish Fire

Irish Fire

Irish Fire delivers rhythmic fireworks that will captivate you. The show formation has existed for 25 years and has performed …
Ina Auderieth

Ina Auderieth

Ich komme aus Wien und habe bereits in jungen Jahren eine Kunstschule besucht, wo meine Leidenschaft für die Kunst entfacht …
Sons of the East

Sons of the East

Sons of the East is a three-piece indie folk rock band hailing from the eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia. They …
Teenage Dads

Teenage Dads

Teenage Dads is an alternative rock band formed in Melbourne, Australia. They comprise of three members; Billy, Braxton and Mimi. …
Jacob Collier

Jacob Collier

Jacob Collier is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, and composer who has quickly risen to fame for his unique and boundary-defying approach …
The Grogans

The Grogans

Title: The Grogans: An Australian Reggae Sensation Imagine a vibrant blend of surf music, garage rock, and reggae vibes pouring …
The Dreggs

The Dreggs

The Dreggs are a folk music duo hailing from the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Comprised of Paddy Macrae and Zane …
Alexander Stewart

Alexander Stewart

Alexander Stewart is a well-known Canadian pop musician, singer, and songwriter, who has been making waves in the music industry …
Ruby Waters

Ruby Waters

Ruby Waters is a Canadian alternative musician who has been making waves in the industry with her unique sound and …

Wincent Weiss

Cigarettes After Sex



The National


Great Gable

Lime Cordiale

Donny Benét

Psymon Spine


The Toasters

Kim Churchill