Marketplace Summit 2024: Tallinn

17 September 2024
10 a.m.
Marketplace Summit 2024: Tallinn

Kui soovite rohkem teada saada, kuidas Marketplace'is äri teha ning mis on Baltikumi ja Soome turgude iseärasused, kutsume teid osalema Marketplace Summit 2024: Tallinn üritusel, mis toimub 17. septembril Tallinnas.

Sellel üritusel osaledes saate teada:
✔ Kuidas suurendada online-müüki
✔ Kuidas laiendada oma eksportmüüki
✔ Kuidas edukalt müüa Soome ja Baltikumi turgudel
✔ Kuidas vastata klientide harjumustele ja ootustele
✔ Kuidas tugeva konkurentsiga turul eristuda konkurentidest ja raha teenida

Nendel ja muudel teemadel arutlevad kogenud e-kaubanduse eksperdid, kes jagavad oma kogemusi, praktilisi näpunäiteid ja teadmisi, mis annavad täieliku ülevaate alustamisest ja laienemisest Marketplace’i platvormil.

Üritust korraldab (PHH Group). Üritus on tasuta, kuid osalejate arv on piiratud ja registreerimine on vajalik.

Sündmuse üksikasjad:
📅 Kuupäev & koht: 17.september 2024 kell 10.00.
📍Asukoht: Öpiku Konverentsikeskuses (Galaktika+Universum), aadressil Valukoja 8, Tallinn, II korrus
❗️Palun registreeru siin:

Üritus toimub inglise keeles.
Rohkem infot ürituse kohta - esinejad ja teemad - leiab Linkedini lehelt
( ).

Soovime teile huvitavat ja väärtust toovat üritust!

If you would like to know more about how to make business on the marketplace platform, sales peculiarities in the Baltic and Finnish markets, we invite you to participate in the Marketplace Summit 2024: Tallinn event on 17th of September in Tallinn (Estonia).

By attending this event you will learn:

✔ How to increase online sales
✔ How to expand your export sales
✔ How to sell successfully in Finland and Baltic markets
✔ How to meet customers habits and expectations
✔ How to stand out from the competition and make money in a highly competitive market

These and other topics will be discussed by experienced e-commerce experts who will share their experience, practical tips and knowledge that will give you a complete overview of starting and expanding your sales on the Marketplace platform.

Event is organized by (PHH Group). The event is free of charge, but the number of participants is limited and registration is needed.

Event Details:

📅 Date&Time: 2024 September 17 at 10.00 a.m.
📍 Öpiku Conference Centre (Galaktika+Universum), Valukoja 8, Tallinn, 2nd floor.
❗️ Please register here: m9RFwS8NQ5JGibCd6">span>

Event will be held in English.

More information about the event - speakers and topics - can be found on the Linkedin page: .

Wish you an interesting and valuable event!

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