Women in Tech

Women in Tech
26 September 2024
4:30 p.m.

Tired of the tech grind? Recharge with like-minded Women.

Enjoy an evening of delicious food & wine, inspiring talks and casual conversations.

Listen to the Women shaping the future of tech cover the following topics

✨ Lose the impostor syndrome and self-promote from Anne- Marie Kruk: GM Propositions & Customer experience

✨The importance of designing your future from Simona Dimovski: Head of Cyber I CIO & Career Coach

✨Staying ahead in the fast-paced world of tech from Gita Charan: Head of Technology

✨Soft Skills and Networking: Change your career trajectory from Minal Bagade: Senior Engineering Manager

Expand your professional circle and connect with your tribe.

Go on... get a ticket! 🎫

Price Free
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