bAKEHOUSE theatre company is a not for profit organisation, committed to new voices and big ideas. We program and manage KXT, Sydney's leading award-winning independent theatre showcasing new work, emerging artists and diverse storytelling. In 2022 we are on the move to a bigger home and we are seeking your support as we increase our investment in a vibrant and exciting home for Sydney’s indie artists.
We encompass: diversity in casting; telling new stories from new communities; platforms for emerging artists; and the stories and voices missing from our national stages. We believe that independent theatre offers new opportunities for big conversations and innovative staging. At bAKEHOUSE we challenge our artists to embrace the limitations of independent theatre, to explore new ways to inspire big conversations, to create extraordinary and memorable solutions.
We believe in the fearless voice of brave new theatre makers. Since launching in 2016 KXT has championed new work, providing a platform for emerging and established writers, and a space for development.
We believe in the power of theatre to provoke social change. Our StoryLines program provides a platform for the stories and voices missing from our national stage. Through our bACE project we provide opportunities for closer ties between Sydney and Mumbai, funding and facilitating the cultural exchange of artists from both countries.