"Suicidality, Suicidism and Human Rights" - Discussion

"Suicidality, Suicidism and Human Rights" - Discussion
4 October 2024
11 a.m.


With the NSW Government spruiking its commitment to a “whole of government approach to suicide prevention” there are a lot of suggesitons for suicide intervention. But the voice of the consumer can get lost. Intentionally thought-provoking, this discussion will explore what alternatives there might be to physical intervention, noting that involuntary treatment always risks infringing on an individual’s human rights.


The panel of thought leaders includes Ellie Hodges, CEO and founder of LELAN (South Australia’s peak lived experience consumer organisation). An experienced counsellor and therapist, Ellie is also an individually appointed member of the legislated South Australian Suicide Prevention Council and led advocacy work to embed the Alternatives to Suicide (Alt2Su) approach across South Australia

What is a "Fishbowl" Discussion?
A “fishbowl” is a highly inclusive way of engaging an audience with experts on a topic.
The format of a “fishbowl” discussion gives each initial panellist 5 minutes to present their position on a topic. Once all panellists have spoken, they debate the topic amongst themselves for 5-10 minutes at which point members of the audience are invited to dive “into the fishbowl,” replacing one of the first speakers in the centre to add their own unique perspective to the debate.

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