State of the Industry Roadshow - Sydney, New South Wales

State of the Industry Roadshow - Sydney, New South Wales
18 July 2024
7 p.m.

Community pharmacists, staff and key stakeholders will be given an opportunity to attend a face-to-face event with the National President of the Pharmacy Guild, Trent Twomey, National Vice President, Anthony Tassone, and State President, David Heffernan. The current and future state of the industry including the impact of the 8CPA will be discussed and examined.

This event is a partnership between the Guild, Pharmaceutical Defence Limited (PDL), and the Australasian College of Pharmacy (ACP). Speakers from all three organisations will be on hand as well as representatives from Guild Super.

Guild members will be afforded an opportunity to engage with the National President and industry stakeholders enabling consultation on local issues of importance to help shape Guild advocacy priorities.

Guild members and pharmacy staff, politicians, industry stakeholders and students are encouraged to attend, to meet with the National President in a new forum that will provide opportunities for two-way conversation .

The events are free-of-charge to all Guild, PDL and ACP members.

Each event will run from 7-9 pm, with canapes and drinks provided.

Places will be strictly limited – so don’t forget to RSVP.

Please note, roadshows will occur in every state and capital city during the month of July. You are welcome to attend a roadshow outside of your home state if it's more suitable.

Price Free
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