Speaker Series: Walter Mason on Truman Capote.

Speaker Series: Walter Mason on Truman Capote.
19 September 2024 11 a.m.

The fabulously scandalous and scurrilous Truman Capote who would have been 100 this year. A brilliant writer, and a fearless breaker of taboos, Capote escaped a tragic childhood to achieve literary success. This talk with author Walter Mason examines his life, career, and his very public fall from grace.

Items by and about Truman Capote can be found BIBENQ?SQRYIRN=2584630&SORTS=SQL_PUBDATEDESC&QRYTEXT=Truman%20Capote


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Walter Mason is a world traveller and writer, author of the acclaimed travel memoirs “Destination Saigon” and “Destination Cambodia.” He teaches creativity, journalling, mindfulness, and meditation across Australia.


EMANUEL TSARDOULIAS COMMUNITY LIBRARY is accessible from the ground floor.

If you have any access or support requirements in order to participate fully, please let us know in the booking order form to ensure that we can arrange any reasonable adjustments. Please note: the venue is accessible for people using wheelchairs and other mobility aids.

Price Free
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