Please note there is no morning tea break.
9.30 Welcome to the State Library, and Acknowledgement of Country.
Cameron Morley; Head of Public Library Services, SLNSW
Morning Chair; Lauren Watkins (Kiama Library)
Part 1 Readers’ advisory interview
9.40 Back to basics: The Reader’s advisory interview, including examples.
9.50 In conversation – discussing different interviews with readers' advisory staff (home library, etc.)
10.15 Readers' advisory interviews for children and young people
Bec Shelberg (Stanton Library, North Sydney)
10.45 Activity - What ideas you will be taking back to your work.
5-min break - stand/stretch – Note there is no morning tea break
Part 2 Diversity
11.15 ALIA Disability group: Social bibliotherapy.
Amy Rake (Tamworth Library)
11.45 ALIA Disability group: Diversity in readers’ advisory from a mental health perspective.
Sonya Moon (Libraries Tasmania);
11.50 2 x 5-minute talks
12:00-1:00 Lunch - provided for onsite participants
Afternoon Chair - Ita Hanssens (Tamworth Library)
Part 3 Taking action
1.00 Collection diversity to support readers' advisoy
Yasmin Greenhalgh (Stanton Library, North Sydney)
1.30 The smaller library experience; diversity in displays
Lauran Mills (Gerringong Library)
Part 4 Training and resources
1.40 5 minute talks:
2.40 Afternoon tea 30 minutes
Closing Chair – Aaron Wilkes (Richmond Upper Clarence Regional Library)
Part 5 An overview of readers' advisory resources
3.10 Resources show and tell
3.20 Cataloguing to support readers' advisory
Ngarie Macqueen (Richmond-Upper Clarence Regional Library)
3.30 Training plans for 2026, and State Library resources
Ellen Forsyth (SLNSW)
3.45 Seminar evaluation, and invitation to a follow-up readers' advisory meeting.
4pm - Close
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