Nature School for Homeschoolers

19 September 2024 10 a.m.
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Suited for 5yrs - 12yrs. Cost $35 per session.

In this session we will explore how to create and support a food forest in our seeds of learning garden. Through hands-on experiences students will be preparing the soil and planting some fruit plants, vegetables, and flowers. The bush walk will be focusing on soil biodiversity in different ecosystems where students will test soil types and observe what plant communities grow in that environment. Along with some intentional teachings of the D’harawal season of Ngoonungi, pronounced (Noo-nung-gee).

STe-2DP-T, ST1-2DP-T, ST2-2DP-T, ST3-2DP-T

Students explore scientific values and attitudes and undertake scientific skills throughout our learning programs, in particular, those relating to shaping a sustainable future and using evidence and reason to engage with our world. Cross curriculum priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and culture.

Nature School provides an opportunity for home school families to add nature play, outdoor skills, sustainability and environmental awareness in their learning activities. The Nature School program is run by experienced environmental educators, with content linked to NSW Science and Technology and Geography syllabus as well as links to the cross curriculum priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge.

Activities range from storytelling, fauna encounters, exploring urban bushlands and child led independent play with a focus on developing self-confidence, problem solving skills and risk management in an outdoor environment.

This program is suitable for primary aged children. Children may be dropped off however a parent or carer is required to stay for the program for children aged five or under and for children with special needs. Younger siblings may attend however remain the responsibility of their parent or carer.

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