Manly Women's Wellness: September Hike & Fitness Challenge

Manly Women's Wellness: September Hike & Fitness Challenge

Manly Women's Wellness September Hike & Fitness Challenge

This September, we're all about MOVEMENT! 💪

Join us for the Manly Women’s Wellness SeptemberFitness Challenge and our end-of-challenge hike on Sunday 29th September.

The goal is simple: get active and set yourself a challenge that motivates you to move more! Whether it’s hitting 10,000 steps a day or tackling something bigger (like my goal of running 100km over the month!), this challenge is all about pushing yourself and having fun!

To celebrate our hard work, we’ll finish the month with the beautiful 10km hike from Manly to Spit, followed by a relaxed lunch together in Manly. We’ll also announce the winner of the challenge at the lunch, with a special prize for the person who went above and beyond! You can still join the hike if you don't want to do the challenge but the prizes will be reserved for the challenge particpants!

Challenge Rules:

  • Set Your Goal: Choose a personal challenge for the month, like reaching 10,000 steps daily.
  • Tag Us: Share your progress by tagging @manlywomenswellness on Instagram when you’re out getting your steps in or at the gym!

Details for Sunday Hike on 29th Sept:

  • Meeting Point: Manly Wharf
  • Time: 10am, leaving promptly at 10.15am
  • Distance: 10km (Manly to Spit) - We’ll take the bus back to Manly
  • Lunch: At your own cost at a venue in Manly (TBC)

For just $10, you’ll be part of this month-long challenge, our scenic hike, and get a change to connect with a spportive community passionate about health and wellness. The fee also helps cover the operational costs of Manly Women’s Wellness, so we can keep bringing you great events like this.

Let’s get moving and make this September one to remember!

No refunds.

Price AUD 11.90
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