Cardiovascular Priority-Driven Program kick-off workshop

Cardiovascular Priority-Driven Program kick-off workshop
3 July 2024
1:30 p.m.

As a part of a broader restructure, the DDI is establishing formal research programs across four different therapeutic areas. Each therapeutic area will have one funded priority-driven program, in addition to broader networks events and activities.

Priority-Driven Programs should bring together a team of researchers around one goal, i.e. grand challenges; programs which address a specific health challenge or disease and have the capacity to leverage significant external funding within three years, such as, but not limited to, a NHMRC Synergy Grant. Successful programs will receive up to $100,000.00 per year for up to 3 years.

University of Sydney researchers from all disciplines and career levels (A-E) working in cardiovascular disease drug discovery are welcome.

The workshop will be an open forum to learn more about participating in the program, including:

  • Introduction to DDI Priority-Driven Programs
  • Overview of programmatic external funding schemes
  • Research focus pitches from short-listed EMCR leaders
  • Facilitated discussions on our strengths and gaps in cardiovascular disease research

Please register with this page if you intend to attend this workshop as an audience member. To submit an formal expression of interest for Cardiovascular Priority-Driven Program Leader please visit: 4bgYW3p


For more information, please contact Rhi on [email protected].

Price Free
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