"All Out" - Sports Day Program

"All Out" - Sports Day Program

Join us for an action-packed day full of sporting activities! Enjoy basketball, Oztag, volleyball and badminton, plus delicious pizzas. We're goin all out for a fun-filled day!

Terms and conditions:

For young people ages 12-25 ONLY.

Participants must be local to the Bayside LGA (reside, work, study or connected to the area).

Registrations are a legal document.

Please note that legal Parent/Guardian must complete registration ( can not book in a friends Young Person).

Please register details of the young person attending the activity.

Siblings of participants who are younger than 12 are not permitted to attend, even in the care of their older siblings.

Supervision of young people will be undertaken by trained and qualified Council staff and staff from partnered organisations and agencies.

Council staff and their agents reserve the right to exclude any young person from any activity due to disruptive or dangerous behaviour.

Completion of this registration process is a condition of entry.

Please notify our team if unable to attend on [email protected] , failure to notify may jeopardise future program/s attendance.


Please bring any medications that may need to be self-administered. Medications are to be kept on your own possession and will not be the responsibility of Centre staff. Centre staff will not administer medication on behalf of a parent/guardian or at the request of a young person, unless responding to an allergic reaction, asthma attack or anaphylactic shock to the best of their ability and knowledge as validated in the Civil Liability Act 2002.

Price Free
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