Unpacking the hidden pitfalls of setting up or running a company!

Unpacking the hidden pitfalls of setting up or running a company!
10 July 2024
9 a.m.

Join Jeffrey Tan and team on 10 July, 9am at Hapi Cafe for an honest and open discussion as he shares his experiences in advising businesses to tighten these often over looked areas in setting up or running a company:

1. What are some potential areas we overlook in our sales process that might be costing us deals?

2. How might our marketing strategy be inadvertently driving customers away?

3. What operational inefficiencies are wasting our team's time and energy?

4. Where might we be leaving money on the table in our financial management?

5. What are some "sacred cows" in our business that we might need to reevaluate?

6. What are the biggest challenges you're facing in your role right now? How can we address them?

7. Where do you think we're falling short in terms of customer expectations?

8. What's the one thing we could change or improve that would create the biggest impact on our business?

9. What are some areas where we might be overinvesting or underinvesting resources in?

Coffee and a light snack will be served.

Price SGD 10.00
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