Tripartite Guidelines on Implementing Flexible Work Arrangement Requests

Tripartite Guidelines on Implementing Flexible Work Arrangement Requests
17 July 2024
2 p.m.

Date : 17 July 24 (Wed)

Time : 2 – 5 pm

Venue : Seminar Room

NTUC Centre, 1 Marina Boulevard, Singapore 018989

Format : Seminar

Pax : 100 HR & Senior Mgmt / Directors from PEI

Program Agenda :

1.30 pm - Registration

2.00 pm - Opening by SAPE (5mins)

2.05 pm - TG FAWR (Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests) - NTUC

2.35 pm - Overview of Business expansion & Transformation in the industry (10 mins) - RSM

2.45 pm - How FWA complement the business expansion & transformation (15 mins) - RSM

3.00 pm - Customized services and programs for FWA (15 mins)

3.15 pm - Tech Solutions for FWA (15 mins)

3.30 pm - Q&A (15 mins)

4.00 pm - Networking (60mins)

5.00 pm - End of event

Program details :

1.30 pm - Registration

2.00 pm - Opening by SAPE (5mins)

2.05 pm - TG FAWR (Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests)

Delia Chan - Assistant Director, NTUC U Women and Family

  • From 1 December 2024 the Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests (FWA Guidelines) will come into effect.
  • While they do not have force of law, similar to the position with other tripartite guidelines the FWA Guidelines are framed as "mandatory" and the Government expects compliance.
  • Employers are required to properly consider formal flexible work arrangement requests made by employees who have passed probation. While employers retain the prerogative to reject a request, this should only be done on reasonable business grounds.
  • Employers must provide written responses to formal requests for flexible work arrangements within two months of receipt of the request. Where the request is rejected, the employer must provide a reason for the rejection.

As employer, you need to do the following:

  • Consider whether your current flexible working policy meets the requirements of the FWA Guidelines. Even if it is not consistent with the FWA Guidelines, or you do not have such a policy in place, employees will still be able to request flexible work arrangements under the FWA Guidelines.
  • Update your policy (if required) to specify the information that must be stated in a formal request for a flexible work arrangement and the form in which the request is made.
  • Determine who in your company will be responsible for receiving and deciding on formal flexible work arrangement requests. If it will be line managers, ensure that they receive training before 1 December 2024 on their obligations to properly consider such requests, and the bases on which requests can be rejected.

This session will update you regarding the upcoming 1 December 2024 the Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests (FWA Guidelines).

2.35 pm - Overview of Business expansion & Transformation in the industry (10 mins) - RSM

2.45 pm - How FWA complement the business expansion & transformation (15mins) - RSM

3.00 pm - customized services and programs for FWA (15 mins) - E2i

The NTUC’s Employment and Employability Institute, known as e2i, plays a crucial role in Singapore's workforce development landscape. Dedicated to enhancing employability, e2i offers a suite of customized services and programs catering to individuals and companies alike. This session aims to share on how e2i can effectively collaborate with your organisation to bolster workforce capabilities, foster productivity enhancements and facilitate sustainable growth.

3.15 pm - Tech Solutions for FWA (15 mins)

3.30 pm - Q&A (15 mins)

4.00 pm - Networking (60mins)

5.00 pm - End of event


Speakers Profiles

Don Loke

Deputy Director

Ong Teng Cheong Labour Leadership Institute

National Trades Union Congress

Topic : Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests


Siti Zubaidah Binte Ahmad

Senior Specialist (Essential Domestic Services)

Employment & Employability Institute

Topic : CTC Grant sharing


Price Free
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