Sustainable Resource Management: A Multi-Fresk Event

Sustainable Resource Management: A Multi-Fresk Event


Sustainability is changing the way businesses are operating and performing, as well as redefining industry terms and KPIs. One such illustration is how organisations are managing resources, no longer just to manage and improve the company’s economic efficiency, minimise costs, and maximise profits. Instead, how the utilisation of resources affects social and environmental factors is now a key indicator of a business’ resource efficiency, as well as how sustainable and responsible their resource management is. 

The Matcha Initiative’s 30th evening is a ‘welcome back’ to our network, and invites you to explore one of three key elements of sustainable resource management through an interactive and engaging workshop. Discover the issues and challenges related to key resources (Plastic or Biodiversity) or to alternative business models (Circular Economy), as well as what are some existing solutions to improve the landscape of resource management and material utilisation.

Join 1 of 3 interactive workshops:

  1. The Biodiversity Collage —

The Biodiversity Collage is a fun & collaborative workshop (Science based on the IPBES reports)  to understand the challenges and issues related to the Biodiversity crisis worldwide and in Singapore.

You will learn about the pillars of biodiversity and ecosystem services, understand how human activities are intertwined with them, drivers and consequences of biodiversity erosion - and the importance of resilience in preventing biodiversity loss.

Join our collaborative workshop and learn about the beauty and importance of biodiversity, Singapore's nature ecosystems, the underlying interactions and how to take action for a thriving future!

  1. The Plastic Collage —

Join us for an insightful evening of learning about Plastic - the challenges and issues, industry trends, environmental impacts and solutions to turn off the plastic (waste) tap!

The Plastic Collage is a new member of the Climate Fresk family - it's a fun and collaborative workshop full of facts and data: science-based, Asia-focused, realistic and, most importantly, optimistic and positive.

  1. The Circular Economy Collage —

How many litres of water are needed to produce one pair of jeans?

Find out more in this fun and educational workshop using collective intelligence to explain and inspire.

In this 3-hr session, we will look at our current (linear) economic model, highlight its impacts and explore a different (circular) model that uses fewer resources, designs out waste, and respects the limits of our planet.

New to the circular economy or curious to learn more? Join us for a world that goes circular.

This event is organised by The Matcha Initiative, co-organised by The Biodiversity Collage Singapore, The Plastic Collage Singapore, and The Circular Economy Collage Singapore.



6.00pm - 6.30pm: Registration

6.30pm - 9.30pm: Collage


In the spirit of our sustainability-focused events, we kindly ask that you make the following eco-conscious choices:

  • Carpooling or taking public transport to reduce our collective carbon footprint
  • Bringing a reusable water bottle to reduce single-use plastic waste
  • Exchanging digital business cards and contacts instead of printed name cards


We might take photos during our evenings for our social media, please let us know if you do not wish to appear on the photos

Price SGD 8.50
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