Strategy & Stock Picks 4Q2024

Strategy & Stock Picks 4Q2024
5 October 2024
10 a.m.

Strategy & Stock Picks is a quarterly event organised specially for investors to gain professional insights into the outlook of the SG, MY, CN & HK, TH, ID, US, and JP markets and their stocks recommendation. Through these curated sessions, we aim to empower you with insights to better plan and develop your personal investment strategies for your financial goals.

With three rate cuts expected in 2024 and another three more in 2025, asset prices have an opportunity to reflate. Beneficiaries include REITs and real estate companies. The impact on bank interest margins is mitigated in the near-term with wealth management and foreign change fees driving growth. Sectors with earnings momentum include construction, marine, telecommunications and transport services while the outlook for semiconductor stocks is mixed.

Our SG session will be held on 5 Oct, Sat, 10am at the SGX Auditorium. Join us at this exclusive event to hear from our speakers, and network with peer investors.

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