Reforesting Kent Ridge with NUS Toddycats! (Sat 21st Sep 2024)

Reforesting Kent Ridge with NUS Toddycats! (Sat 21st Sep 2024)

NUS is working towards a vision of a ,">span>, and NUS Toddycats is helping to restore the green forest spine of the Kent Ridge Campus!

Kent Ridge's Adinandra belukar forest grew over former plantations, and has a low plant diversity. Still, it functions as an important wildlife habitat in the Southern Ridges. With careful selection, planting and maintenance of appropriate species of trees, we aim to enhance the habitat quality and connectivity of the belukar. the habitat enrochment work will overcome natural regeneration barriers such as dispersal limitation and will also be able to extend the forests into the heart of the campus.

Working with University Campus Infrastructure (UCI), we pursue restoration efforts at the Kent Ridge Forest. These forest plots will also be used to illustrate restoration ecology and the integration of forests into an urban landscape. This project is part of NUS’ target of planting 100,000 trees on campus by 2030, and will contribute towards Singapore’s One Million Tree Movement.

We will be planting a mix of early to late successional native tree species which are suited to ridge habitat.

Please take note
  • Each participant must be registered to be allowed to participate.
  • Participants MUST wearParticipants MUST wear COVERED SHOES; without this, you will not be able to participate.
  • We strongly recommend that you bring sunblock, and a hat/cap to help shelter yourself from the sun. Arm sleeves are useful too.
  • Bring at least 1 litre of drinking water - you will need it!
  • Have a hearty meal or bring some snacks to munch on and prevent exhaustion
  • Apply insect repellent; there are mosquitoes in the area.
  • Bring your own gloves, if you have a pair (we will supply otherwise)
  • Bring a change of clothes in case you get drenched or dirty after the muddy activity
Meeting / Planting Site

We meet in front of house No 6, Kent Ridge Road.

How to get there

By MRT, alight at CC24 Kent Ridge.

Take Exit B to Science Park. Cross over towards NUH Tower Block.

Walk along Kent Ridge Road to the planting site; about 700m away (15~20 mins walk).

If you are driving, park at Car Park 10A (NUS CRISPS); the entrance is via Kent Ridge Road.

Walk along Kent Ridge Road to the site, which is about 400m away; a 5~10 mins walk.


Please note that this event is physically strenuous; you must be physically fit to participate

Planting a tree will entail:

  1. Digging into, and excavating the exposed soils with a changkul
  2. Loosening any embedded rocks, or items with a chiam(if neccessary)
  3. Placing the tree into the prepared grounds
  4. Adding mulch to the base of the planted tree
  5. Watering the newly-planted saplings well

We will provide the equipment necessary to accomplish the mission. We also highly encourage you to bring your own gloves, but we will provide gloves if you need them!

Price Free
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