[July 12 Show] Date My Friend: A dating pitch show (Pride Month Encore)

[July 12 Show] Date My Friend: A dating pitch show (Pride Month Encore)
12 July 2024
8 p.m.

Date My Friend🌈: the Powerpoint show where you get to showcase your single friends.

This is a special Pride Month edition of DMF. Encore show! This ticket is for the July 12th show.

Channel your inner Auntie/Uncle and set up your friends (both ways!)

Date My Friend is a celebration of friendship, and the Asian art of matchmaking your friends. Prepare a presentation and 'sell' your friends to prospective dates, so they have someone else to bother on Friday nights!

  • What if Crazy Rich Asians, but in PowerPoint Karaoke?
  • What if Subtle Asian Dating, but memes live, in person, with Q&A?
  • What if SDU but actually fun and funny?
    Bae My Buddy, Kacau My Kawan, Jio My Boo -- the universal language is love and teasing of your friends in a wholesome way.

About PowerPoint Karaoke Singapore

PowerPoint Karaoke Singapore has been staged since 2017 at open mics with great response from the audience. PowerPoint Karaoke also performed at the opening of the Singapore Improv Festival 2018.

Co-hosted by Crane Claymore

Price SGD 20.00
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