2 Free Events, Activities and Things to Do in Singapore

If you’re in Singapore on a budget, don’t worry, there are plenty of events for you to choose from, too. Check out the article where we put together a list of activities and events you won’t have to pay for! If you’re into sports, you’ll be able to find a free running group or a yoga class. Do you like music? There’s a free concert waiting for you! Keen on art? Find an exhibition or a museum free of charge! Whatever it is that sparks your interest, you can always have fun in Singapore even with a tight budget.

There are free lifestyle gatherings and cultural events to enjoy in Singapore. You won't miss online happenings… It’s so easy to find something that suits you!
And don’t forget to check out the best free activities of Singapore: , , and .

《古韵新风》Journey Through Time!
Nanyang Polytechnic Chinese Orchestra NYPCO was formed in September 1996 with a pioneer batch of 45 members. Today, it boasts …
18 January
万紫千红之梨园春秋 Nam Hwa Blazes: Opera’s Blooming Legacy
万紫千红之梨园春秋是一场融合传统与现代的戏曲盛宴通过精心挑选的四部经典作品赵宠写状宋江杀惜芦林会和京娘送兄展现了戏曲艺术的深厚底蕴和创新发展特别是潮剧的独特调式唱腔和细腻表演引领观众领略守正创新的文化传承之旅 A splendid fusion of tradition and modernity, Nam Hwa Blazes Operas Blooming Legacy celebrates the timeless artistry of oper
9 February
Whichever event you decide to attend, we’re sure you will have lots of fun! To find even more exciting events, explore Singapore by category: check the latest beauty and fashion trends, make new friends, enjoy a concert of your favorite band, go spiritual, relish art, party like never before, take a tour, polish a skill, advance in your career, get healthy, enjoy some family time, get down to the IT business, or find an activity you can do at home.
The choice is yours!