When snow falls, magic fills the air! Close to Christmas Eve a young boy’s snowman comes to life and a young girl embarks on a starry night bear ride. Raymond Briggs’ The Snowman and The Bear are two heartwarming Christmas adventures set to animated film and enchanting music by Howard Blake. Watch them on the big screen as CCOHK performs the orchestral score with young solo singers and storytellers. A wonderful Christmas treat for the whole family!
Music by Howard Blake
Original stories by Raymond Briggs
Debra Jones | storyteller
Christopher Price | storyteller
Gabriel Ma | tenor
Alan Tsang | baritone
Philippe Forget | guest conductor
Kyla Ngai, Oliver Lee (2:30pm) | vocal soloists
Olivia Hyde, Howie Lai (5:00pm) | vocal soloists
The above information is sourced from the official websites of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong