The world-renowned British choir Tenebrae Choir is acclaimed for its singing that exquisitely blends passion and precision, a sound so harmonious yet brimming with emotions. Their interpretations, from Renaissance monuments to contemporary works, have won many awards, including two BBC Music Magazine Awards, an Edison Classical Music Award, and a Grammy nomination. Four members of Tenebrae will join forces with NOĒMA to perform 20th-century British masterpieces, including Howells’s Requiem and Parry’s Songs of Farewell, a selection at the core of Tenebrae’s repertoire. This collaboration will showcase top-tier artistry and propels NOĒMA forward, sparking fresh artistic inspiration.
John Tavener | The Lamb
Edward Elgar Lux aeterna
William Harris | Faire is the heaven
Benjamin Britten | Hymn to St Cecilia
Herbert Howells | Requiem
Hubert Parry | Songs of farewell
The above information sources: PR & NOĒMA official website