AiSP AI Security Summit 2024

AiSP AI Security Summit 2024
3 July 2024
8:30 a.m.

In an era defined by rapid digital transformation and evolving cyber threats, the integration of Artificial Intelligence into the realm of cybersecurity has become not just a necessity but a strategic imperative. From machine learning algorithms that detect anomalies in network traffic to autonomous response systems that thwart sophisticated attacks in real-time, AI holds immense promise in fortifying our defenses against an ever-expanding array of cyber threats. At the same time, as organizations increasingly rely on AI to enable their business and safeguard their digital assets, the security and ethical implications of AI deployment loom large. The conference aims to help Enterprises, SMEs and individuals to be more aware of practical usages of AI in securing their digital assess as well as considerations to better governance their AI-based solutions.

Our theme for this year summit is “AI for Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity for AI”.

Organized by the Association of Information Security Professionals (AiSP), the AiSP AI Security Summit is a unique event that delves into the critical intersection of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. Our distinguished speakers from public, private and academia sectors will share audience on the innovative applications of AI in safeguarding digital asset and addressing the imperative of securing AI system themselves, tackling issues of adversarial attacks, data privacy and ethical consideration.

Event Date: 3 July 2024
Event Time: 9AM – 2.30PM
Event Venue: Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre
Guest of Honour: Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communication and Information & Ministry of Health, Dr Janil Puthucheary

Price SGD 16.35 - 32.70
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