What it means to become an entrepreneur?

What it means to become an entrepreneur?
2 October 2024
2:30 p.m.

Date: 02.10.2024 Time: 14:30-15:30

Venue: Latvia Univesity, ESZF, 500.auditorium

Address: Aspazijas 5, Rīga

Language: English

This event is brought to you by AIMS International and UniLab Entrepreneurial Gene initiative in partnership with Latvia University.

Join Fortune 500 executive and leadership coach Patricia Arboleda, human recources expert Valer Chlandy and Omnicom Media Group CEO Karlis Zembergs in a lively discussion about what challenges and opportunites transitioning from corporate job to entrepreneurship might entail.

You will gain first hand insights on what leadership skills you will require to develop and what transitioning traps to avoid!

Come and join us- REGISTER NOW!

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