In Search of Black Gold

21 September - 22 September 2024
In shadow work we spend time exploring and making friends with the parts that we have deemed unacceptable, the ‘bad’ parts. Yes, we can do good shadow work in order to become more whole, but as Carl Jung said, “The shadow is ninety percent pure gold”. And yet we focus mostly on the ten percent. The “Golden Shadow” contain the parts of you that are amazing, fabulous, genius, stunning, and unique. Sadly, early on in life, we become experts at dimming down our light and hiding these precious parts of Self. Without exception, we are all inborn with Genius. In order to best see the gold in the black, we need to make the invisible visible. We do that by becoming the invisible, and we do that through Dynamic Theatre (DT). In simple terms, once we set a direction towards an encounter with Genius and go in search of our own “black gold”, what holds us back will surely find us. Through the guidance and support of Dynamic Theatre we learn how to participate in shadow work while at the same reconnecting with our own unique calling to be someone special in the world, our own black gold.

“When nature has work to be done, she creates a Genius to do it”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dynamic Theatre is inspired by integrative mix of Psychodrama, Ritual Theatre and Shamanism. By bringing personal and social stories to life through this exciting blend we have the chance to step outside of the everyday self and into the realm of possibility. Through the medium of drama, we enter into the healing state of Dionysian ecstasy to create magic and sacred alchemy. But no ordinary drama, for all roles are played “incognito” enabling the invisible to become visible, the “I” to become “we” “us” and “it” and the microcosm to be the macrocosm. The Jungian and Shamanistic belief is that there is no “out there” it is all but a projection of our own unknown face. Therefore, we all hold total responsibility for creating health and wellbeing in our communities. As we become whole, in turn we offer a little bit more balance and wellbeing back into our communities.

Mark Wentworth - he is the creator of the Colour PsychoDynamic method and Co-creator of Dynamic Theatre, both integrating the archetypal and visionary worlds of Carl Jung and the inspirational methods of J.L. Moreno. Mark is based in the UK as well as working across eleven countries worldwide.

When: 21. 09.2024. 10:00-18:00 and 22.09.2024. 10:00-17:00

Where: Lāčplēša street 87, Riga, Latvia

How much: 200.00 Eur

Registration: BYXSdURpRyrcKrCD6

Info: aW5mbyB8IHBzaWhvZHJhbWEgISBsdg==

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