Their Dogs Were Astronauts - "10 Year Anniversary Show"

29 November 2024
7:30 p.m.
In 10 years through the galaxy 🪐

Their Dogs Were Astronauts - 10 Year Anniversary

Vídeňská instrumentální progresivní metalová kapela Their Dogs Were Astronauts kombinuje úderné progresivní kytarové riffy s chytlavými melodiemi, syntezátory a rytmicky náročnými sóly. Bratři Denis a Leonard Rothovi vydali od roku 2014 již šest alb a pět EP, přičemž jejich nejnovější album Momentum má vyjít v květnu 2023. Je to návrat k jejich kořenům, kombinující djentové riffy a industriální zvuky se zasněnými, introspektivními pasážemi.

Between the Planets je česká groove-metal-ambientní kapela. Jejich hudba kombinuje ambient, elektronické podklady, art rock a metalový groove ovlivněný djentem, ale také například časté postrockové prvky.

Their Dogs Were Astronauts, a Vienna-based instrumental progressive metal band, melds hard-hitting, progressive guitar riffs with catchy melodies, synthesizers, and rhythmically challenging solos. Brothers Denis and Leonard Roth have already released six albums and five EPs since 2014, with their latest album "Momentum" dropping in May 2023.
With this work, they return to their roots by combining djent-like riffs and industrial sound with dreamy passages that invite introspection. The band surprises with every twist on the diverse album. Their live show seamlessly merges studio and stage performance, transporting the audience into a unique sonic realm.

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Support: Between The Planets

The music of BETWEEN THE PLANETS combines ambient, electronic backgrounds, art rock and a djent-influenced metal groove, as well as, for example, frequent post rock elements.

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Tickets: 220 CZK presale, 290 on the spot

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