Learn Japanese culture while having fun!  遊学教室 yugaku class

10 July 2024
7 p.m.
遊学教室 yugaku class

Yugaku class, a Japanese language and culture class where students learn Japanese language and culture through play, is about to start!

This is a hands-on class that does not teach grammar, but rather provides input and output of Japanese language through cultural experiences.
The #1 class is a voice acting experience. You will have the chance to add lines to an anime or drama scene. This is a fun way to experience voice acting while training dictation and shadowing.
Other classes include drawing, haiku, and kanji creation.

Learn Japanese culture while having fun!
Target: Intermediate level of Japanese and above
Language: Japanese and English
Note: There is no grammar or language instruction.
The course consists of 8 sessions, but it is possible
to participate in only one session.
This is a learning opportunity for Japanese
language learners to input Japanese culture
through play and output in Japanese.

Jedná se o praktickou výuku, která nevyučuje gramatiku, ale spíše poskytuje vstupní a výstupní informace o japonském jazyce prostřednictvím kulturních zážitků.

Učte se japonskou kulturu a zároveň se bavte!
Cílová skupina: středně pokročilá úroveň japonštiny a vyšší.
Jazyk: japonština, japonština, japonština, japonština, japonština, japonština, japonština: Japonština a angličtina
Poznámka: Nevyučuje se gramatika ani jazyk.
Kurz se skládá z 8 lekcí, je však možné zúčastnit se pouze jednoho sezení

Jedná se o možnost výuky japonštiny
studenty japonštiny, aby se seznámili s japonskou kulturou.
prostřednictvím hry a výstupu v japonštině.

V hodině č. 1 se jedná o hlasové hraní. Budete mít možnost přidat repliky do anime nebo dramatické scény. Jedná se o zábavný způsob, jak si vyzkoušet hlasové herectví a zároveň trénovat diktát a stínování.
Mezi další lekce patří kreslení, haiku a tvorba kandži.

📆Every Wednesdays, 19:00-20:30
8 sessions , from 10.July to 28.Aug

💵Course : 2,000kc ( 8 classes )
whatsapp group
video record (in case of absence)
follow up time (in case of absence)

💵Unit : 350kc/ 1 class

🖋Registration  Btczua1Rh4MGkAiz9

📍Where : Japan Community House
Place: Japan Community House, Hybernská 22, Praha 1
Next to Masarykovo nádraží
Map: 5GNDujfvujLq1KsB8


#1 10.July
Voice Actor
Pretend to be a character in a Japanese anime or drama scene and say the lines.
Skill : shadowing
Culture : JP’s expression

#2 17.July
Listen to the Japanese explanation and describe it. The questions will be taken from Japanese pictures and photos.
Skill : dictation, painting
Culture : JP’s landscape

#3 24.July
Invent Kanji
Research the origins and meanings of kanji and invent new kanji and idioms.
Skill : idioms
Culture : Kanji

#4 31.July
Think of a Japanese name in kanji for your imaginary child or pet.
Skill :idioms
Culture : name and kanji

#5 7.Aug
Sing Japanese songs.
Skill : shadowing, dictation,
Culture : JPOP

#6 14.Aug
Haiku Senryu Tanka
Make your Haiku, Senryu
and Tanka
Skill : idioms
Culture : JP’s literature

#7 21.Aug
How many onomatopoeias
do you know?
Skill : onomatopoeia
Culture : onomatopoeia

#8 28.Aug
Japanese quiz
Bring quiz about Japan!
quiz competition!
Skill : idioms
Culture : All!

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