Future Forces Exhibiton & Forum

Future Forces Exhibiton & Forum
16 October - 18 October 2024

Prague has been a long-time hub for international defence and security community networking within the Future Forces Forum events regularly hosting national delegations from over 60 countries representing military as well as civil security sector. It is an excellent opportunity to gain information about new trends and identified capability gaps to network with counterparts and to review the latest developments and products in the defence and security field from about 300 exhibitors.


The forum is organized under the auspices of the Czech Government and is held in close cooperation with armed and security forces NATO structures European Defence Agency (EDA) and other relevant organizations. Representatives of the military homeland security law enforcement agencies industry R&D and academia are cordially welcome to Prague the UNESCO world heritage site to join this unique event gathering regularly over 8000 professional participants.

Main Events (Program to be updated and expanded):

  • Future Forces Exhibition
  • NATO Working Groups
  • Future Forces Conference 
  • Future Air Force Conference
  • Future C2 Conference
  • Future Land Forces Panel
  • Future Of Cyber Conference & Live Hacking Zone
  • CBRN & Medical Conference
  • Defence Interests In Space Conference
  • Disruptive Technologies & Defence Innovations / Innovation Accelerator
  • Multi-Domain Advanced Robotic Systems Conference
  • Future Of Civil Security Conference
  • Homeland Security And Resilience Conference
  • LEA-DER - 7th Annual Conference & Technology Exhibition: Workshops & LA only Trainings Tools and Technologies Against Major Crime & Terror
  • MESAS 24 - Modelling & Simulation for Autonomous Systems Conference (NATO M&S COE)

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