Commercial Real Estate Valuation

Commercial Real Estate Valuation
14 October - 15 October 2024

This course will develop skills by taking participants through the process of preparing commercial property valuations. Participants will be introduced to basic valuation approaches and how to identify the key drivers of real estate value. Building on the initial theory, more sophisticated methods will be covered that combine in the production of high-quality valuation reports.

Each session will provide an insight to the valuation profession looking at the procedures followed by property valuation experts. Day 1 will introduce you to the main concepts, offering an overview of the methodologies employed in the appraisal of real estate as well as the main regulatory frameworks. Day 2 will provide an opportunity to examine practical examples that will include development sites, leisure properties and multi-tenant assets.

What is the goal of this training?

This training will be of interest to practicing and novice valuers, as well as those that use valuation reports and stakeholders in the real estate investment process. The training will also bridge the gap between users of property valuation reports and the valuers who prepare them. This will ensure the instruction and report processes will run smoother, saving time and expense. You will learn the relevance of real estate as an investment medium, particularly relevant as the availability and sophistication of property investment products continues to grow.


Price € 1345.05
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