Come and speak Czech Mondays - Free educative meetup for expats

Již šestým rokem se u piva potkáváme s cizinci co dlouhodobě žijí v Praze a pomáháme jim s procvičováním češtiny.

For last five years we have been meeting up with expats living in Prague long-term over a glass of beer to help them better their czech knowledge.

Free entry.

It is a meetup for everyone who has lived in Prague for some time and wants to get serious about their Czech language skills. It doesn’t matter where you come from, everybody attending will be lead to chat in Czech.

Michael Thomas constructed a successful language learning method using audio recordings of a class, leaving space and time for students to try to compose the sentences themselves.

As many other psychologists assume, your brain learns best while creating the content itself. For example: once you count a simple numerical task yourself, you are much more likely to remember the procedure years after, than if you just try to remember every formula there is.

Our language lessons uses this knowledge to create a completely new approach to this. We assume that you have picked up a few words over the months or years you have lived here, maybe you read a book or two and maybe there is a Czech dictionary next to your toilet bowl.

Maybe you understand a little bit, but you are too lazy, shy or insecure to use this skill in conversation. Well, guess what - everybody attending is having the same issue as you, and yes - you can switch to Spanish or English or any language you prefer if you feel more comfortable that way, and maybe meet someone interesting and want to have a more complex conversation.

You are not going to leave with seven different homeworks, we are not going to give you tests or grades. We will just provide the comfortable and inspiring space of an art gallery, background music and some refreshments, and encourage your brains to do the job instead of the teachers.

You should be at least somewhat serious about learning Czech to enjoy the experience fully, but you are more than welcome to come pay us a non-binding visit either way.

Come and speak Czech events are free of charge. If you fell in love with what we do and want to help us grow it, you can support us at our Patreon here: speakczech">span>

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