Corella is a dynamic and innovative musical duo composed of singer-songwriters Simeon and John. Hailing from the United Kingdom, these two talented musicians have been creating music together since 2012.
Drawing inspiration from a variety of musical genres, Corella seeks to create music that is both accessible and meaningful. With Simeon's experience as a singer and John's as a songwriter, their music has been described as a blend of soul, blues, and folk.
The duo has toured extensively throughout the UK and Europe, with performances at music festivals and concerts from London to Amsterdam. Their debut album, 'Tales from the House of Fire', was released in 2015 and was met with critical acclaim.
Corella's live performances are a unique experience. They are known for their ability to connect with their audience, creating an intimate atmosphere that brings out the emotion and intimacy of their music.
For those looking for an evening of music that will take them on a journey, Corella is sure to be a memorable experience. Their powerful, heartfelt music will leave you with a lasting impression.
If you are looking for an evening of music that is unlike anything else, then make sure to check out Corella. Their music is sure to leave you inspired and energized.