Beans On Toast

Beans On Toast is an English folk singer-songwriter hailing from Essex. The artist, also known as Jay McAllister, has been performing and releasing music since 2005 and has become a regular fixture on the UK festival circuit.

Beans On Toast is best known for his witty, often humorous, and politically-charged songs. His music has been described as “anti-folk” and he has cited Bob Dylan, Billy Bragg and Frank Turner as his main influences.

The artist has released seven albums to date, with his latest, ‘The Inevitable Train Wreck’, released in 2019. The album features some of Beans On Toast’s most personal and political songs to date, with topics such as Brexit, homelessness and the environment.

Beans On Toast is a regular on the festival circuit, having appeared at Glastonbury, Boomtown Fair and Latitude Festival, amongst others. He also regularly performs intimate acoustic shows around the UK.

The artist’s live shows are renowned for their energy and atmosphere and he is often joined on stage by a variety of guest musicians and singers. His shows have been praised for their “thoughtful and passionate” lyrics and the “infectious energy” of the performances.

Beans On Toast is an artist with an important message and a powerful voice. His shows are always an enjoyable and memorable experience and are a must-see for any folk music fan.


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Beans On Toast