BSMT Space

BSMT SPACE hosts the best in current Urban Contemporary Art. Situated in the heart of Dalston we continually work towards maintaining a space that connects people, ideas and projects together, a gallery space galvanised!

Born out of a disused black basement, the gallery has evolved over the past four years to gain a reputation as a platform to showcase some of the finest UK-based and global artists. Having relocated to a brand new space our goals as a gallery remain the same: the support and development of emerging and established artists, to use the gallery to support causes we believe in and to allow the gallery to be a place to create as well as to exhibit. We produce authentic exhibitions showcasing people and ideas at their best.

We have worked towards maintaining a unique attitude towards the Art world without undermining our professionalism, a collaborative and unique gallery- if you know about Urban Art you’ll know about BSMT Space.

Gallery curated by Greg Key and Lara Fiorentino.

BSMT Space

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BSMT Space