Yoga for Trauma Survivors: Somatic and Heart Centered Practices for Healing

Yoga for Trauma Survivors: Somatic and Heart Centered Practices for Healing
24 July - 28 August 2024



Join us for an empowering online event focused on healing through yoga. This workshop is designed to provide a safe space specifically for self-identified women and non-binary trauma survivors, to explore healing from trauma through connection to your body and heart center.

Yoga for Trauma Survivors is a six-week therapeutic group utilizing the healing modality,The Trauma-Conscious Yoga MethodVlnUcoLGdgawj-8i9TbdLw_UFKE=313">span> (TCYM).

Yoga for Trauma Survivors groups include a number of specific resources and practices designed to support trauma survivors in healing their trauma through a journey of self-inquiry, embodiment and self-development.

This group takes place in a virtual format and meets once a week for 6 weeks.

*Wednesday, July 24th- August 28th, 2024*

10:00am-11:30am PST/1:00pm-2:30pm EST

Scholarship spots and payment plans available. Contact me directly for scholarship form.

Each of the 6 groups include the following:

  • Cultivating community and building connections
  • Affect regulationresourcing, grounding and containment practices
  • Psychoeducation/Dharma Talks: a variety of topics related to yoga, psychology, somatics and trauma/nervous system are explained in a digestible way to empower clients with information and increase their self-awareness
  • Yoga pranayama(these are the breathing practices within yoga)- these practices aim to help tone the vagus nerve, regulate the nervous system, and improve overall health
  • Mindfulness practices– these practices aim to help with distress tolerance and aim to decrease tendencies to dissociate; they aim to foster presence, focus, increased awareness and overall feelings of well-being
  • Yoga asana(these are the poses and movement practiced within yoga)- paired with pranayama practice, these practices aim to help regulate the nervous system and increase embodiment, and potentially discharge trauma in the body when necessary
  • Yoga mudra(these are hand gestures taken in yoga)- aiming to increase mindfulness, presence and embodiment
  • Intuitive movement-aiming to help clients learn to listen to their bodies, increase embodiment, and potentially metabolize trauma in the body if necessary
  • Somatic practices- these practices aim to support clients in distress tolerance and trauma healing
  • Journaling/ Self Reflection

This group isn't limited to those that experienced major, catastrophic events- I understand that trauma is vast and includes “little t” traumas such as childhood experiences, emotional neglect, unhealthy relationship patterns, racism and discrimination, systemic violence and oppression as well as generational and collective trauma.

Connect with a community of fellow survivors and embrace the transformative power of yoga from the comfort of your own home. Don't miss this opportunity to cultivate resilience and find inner peace.

Price 300.00
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