Toxic Relationship Recovery (10-Wk Course)

Toxic Relationship Recovery (10-Wk Course)
23 July 2024
6:30 p.m.

Toxic Relationship Recovery: Overcome the Pain Caused by Narcissists, the Dark Triad, and Other Toxic Types

Class Duration: EVERY TUESDAY - 10 Weeks

Embark on a journey of healing and empowerment with "Toxic Relationship Recovery," a comprehensive 10-week live virtual class designed specifically for women who have experienced the trauma of toxic relationships. Whether you’ve encountered narcissists, individuals exhibiting dark triad traits, or other toxic personalities, this course provides the tools and support needed to rebuild your life and regain your sense of self.

What You Will Learn:

1. Understanding Toxic Relationships:

- Identify the traits and behaviors of narcissists and other toxic individuals.

- Learn about the dark triad personality traits (narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy) and their impact on relationships.

- Recognize the signs of manipulation, control, and emotional abuse.

2. The Impact of Toxic Relationships:

- Explore the psychological and emotional effects of being in a toxic relationship.

- Understand the cycle of abuse and why it’s challenging to break free.

3. Healing and Self-Compassion:

- Develop self-compassion and self-care practices to nurture your healing process.

- Learn techniques for managing anxiety, depression, and trauma-related symptoms.

4. Setting Boundaries and Rebuilding Trust:

- Discover the importance of setting healthy boundaries and how to enforce them.

- Gain skills to rebuild trust in yourself and others.

5. Empowerment and Personal Growth:

- Reconnect with your sense of identity and self-worth.

- Identify your personal goals and aspirations beyond the toxic relationship.

6. Creating a Supportive Network:

- Build a network of supportive peers who understand and share your experiences.

- Learn about additional resources and communities for ongoing support.


  1. Weekly Live Sessions: Engage in interactive discussions, activities, and exercises with the instructor and fellow participants.
  2. Expert Guidance: Learn from experienced therapists and coaches specializing in recovery from toxic relationships.
  3. Personalized Support: Receive tailored advice and feedback to address your unique experiences and challenges.
  4. Homework and Reflection: Complete weekly assignments and reflective exercises to deepen your understanding and progress.

Benefits of Joining:

- Regain confidence and a sense of control over your life.

- Develop healthy coping mechanisms and resilience.

- Foster meaningful connections with others on a similar journey.

- Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools to avoid toxic relationships in the future.

Join "Toxic Relationship Recovery" and take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life. Your path to healing and empowerment starts here.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE -- And there is no shame deciding to heal.

Research highlighted in the "Journal of Social and Personal Relationships" indicates that 74% of people who have been in a relationship with a narcissist experienced a substantial decline in their self-esteem. The study revealed that the manipulative and demeaning behaviors of narcissistic partners led to a loss of personal identity and self-worth, making it difficult for individuals to recover and rebuild their sense of self after the relationship ended.

🌺 Join Us & Transform Your Life🌺

Together, we will break free from the chains of past pain and step boldly into a future filled with love, joy, and peace.Sign up today and take the first step on your path to healing and empowerment. Your journey to reclaiming your life starts NOW!

When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you and your story will heal somebody else. - Iyanla Vanzant

Nothing glows brighter than a woman who is resolved to heal her heart and courageous enough to mean it. - Imani Evans (Your class facilitator)

Price 499.00
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