Introverted Women Entrepreneurs Connecting

Introverted Women Entrepreneurs Connecting
16 July 2024 19:00

Ever felt invisible at a networking event, swallowed by the sea of extroverts?

Sat back, listened, and waited for your moment to speak that never came—leaving the event feeling like it was a minute too long and not quite right for you?

This time, it’s different.

Welcome to Introvert Women Entrepreneurs Connecting—a space where the hidden magic of introverted women like you shines brightest. Here, no voice goes unheard, and no connection feels forced.

This event is thoughtfully designed for introverted souls seeking meaningful business connections. Our unique format ensures you’re not just another face in the crowd.

We break out into small group chats where your thoughts aren’t just welcomed, they’re wanted. We also give you introduction prompts so that you won't have to stress over what to say.

Experience networking where you leave feeling empowered, with contacts that matter and conversations that stick.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Forge meaningful connections in a comfortable virtual setting tailored for introverts.
  • Get help with brainstorming new ideas and solving challenging problems.
  • Meet potential referral partners who could send future customers/clients your way.

What Past Attendees Are Saying:

"I loved the event and made connections. Although, they were small, I learnt so much from them and that helped me with my perspective. Would love to attend more if you have." —NA

"I think it went very well. The breakout sessions were decently timed; we had a structure to follow so that helps some of us who may struggle a bit with improvising on the spot, too." —BP

"For me, the interaction with the other ladies in the break out rooms were great!" —PE

"Thanks so much for putting it on. I appreciate that you’re creating the space because I think there are many of us who prefer to work their magic behind the scenes and not so much at the forefront." —LR

Don’t let another opportunity pass by. Join us! Your next great connection is waiting.

About Us:

Building Her Dream is a media platform and community dedicated to spotlighting the journeys and successes of introverted woman entrepreneurs. Read the interviews and check out our magazine and podcast here


Price 5.00
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