If You Had One Story to Tell (2-Week Intensive)

If You Had One Story to Tell (2-Week Intensive)
19 September 2024 7 p.m.

This 2-week intensive is not only about creating the right kind of space for you to explore some difficult parts of your life deeply and honestly.

And it's not only about helping you craft and tell that story.

It's also about helping you share that story with other people so they feel less shitty and less alone, more connected and more understood.

And we've designed every part of this class to help you do just that.

Bob told the story about his sister's suicide.
Shweta told the story about her eating disorder.
Scott told the story about his addiction and incarceration.
Manuela told the story about infidelity.
Andrew told the story about losing his father.
Carol told the story about her terminal illness.
Elizabeth told the story about trying to live with wanting to die.

What You Get

Our Guarantee

If you aren't satisfied by the end of the first week, I'll issue a refund no questions asked (minus modest transaction fees). Why? Because I don't want your money if you don't feel really good about your experience (and, you're going to have a really good experience!)

That Personal Story

Finally craft and tell that personal story that is so compelling, relatable and memorable that audiences of all kinds put their phones down, actually pay attention and walk away changed.

Virtual Showcase (date tbd)

Tell your story to friends, family and some other cool humans.

Feature Podcat Spot

Be heard all around the world. We are brining our podcast back after a hiatus solely to feature our student's stories.

One Story Pitch

Tell your story on more stages and podcasts (if that's what you want).

We've been running the 99-Second Story Slam for more than four years and have learned a whole lot about simplifying and compressing these kinds of stories.

Ongoing Support

Join our group of dynamic community of story badasses.

Skills, Tools and Confidence

Keep crafting and telling!

How It Works

10 Hours (8 hours group, 2 hours one-on-one)

Thur, Sep. 19, Mon, Sep. 23, Thur, Sep. 26, Mon, Sep. 30

Swap Shop Framework

  • Explore your experiences deeply via open questions, faciltated discussions and constructive feedback.
  • Refine your story effectively by applying our framework that balances support without excessive fixing and kindness without excessive pandering.
  • Tell your story confidently by maximizing practice - and you'll be getting a whole lot of practice!

Ask Me Anything (anytime via WhatsApp)

So you can get additional feedback and any questions answered (I also send post class recap, notes and meeeting recordings).

Additional Coaches

Two world-class coaches will add extra insight and feedback to your emerging story.

5 students maximum

So you can get all the attention and support you deserve.


You can scroll down to see some kind words said about our classses, as well as some pretty cool stages I've told personal stories myself (and some FAQs), but first...

Please watch this 10-minute video
  • Why many people never tell that one story
  • Personal Narrative basics
  • Where many people often get it "wrong"
  • The challenges of hard stories
  • A quick personal story
  • You're are a good fit for this if...

Some stages I've been fortunate enough to tell stories on...

Price 500.00
update information


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