Free Your Wild Heart: 7 Super Practical Tips to Create a Spiritual Practice

Free Your Wild Heart: 7 Super Practical Tips to Create a Spiritual Practice
15 May 2024
7:30 p.m.

Are you a wild hearted, sensitive or neurospicy person who cares deeply about nature, people, the sacred? People like us can often be overwhelmed or lost by trying to fit into `ordinary' life.

In my experience the way to free ourselves is by learning to live our spirituality through a daily practice.

Yet it can be very challenging to ```'just meditate' every day, when we're already overwhelmed or too busy. It can be hard to create habits or commit to the things that free us.

Join me, Sally Carmichael and discover 7 super practical tips to create a daily spiritual practice - be it meditation, art therapy, Qi gong, yoga, visualisation, intention setting, ancestor veneration, grounding, Reiki....

Because the world needs the gifts of your wild heart. It really does!


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If you have any special requirements please feel free to email me ahead of time to discuss [email protected].

If you believe I could do things better to create a welcoming environment, whether or not you attended the event, I would be grateful for your feedback. I do my best as a trans white woman but it's always a work in progress.

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