Ensuring Adequate Income: The Importance of the MIG in Wage Arrestment

Ensuring Adequate Income: The Importance of the MIG in Wage Arrestment
9 October 2024
1 p.m.

Join us for "Ensuring Adequate Income: The Importance of the Minimum Income Guarantee in Wage Arrestment," our event to mark Challenge Poverty Week 2024. This event will focus on the importance of the Minimum Income Guarantee (MIG) being protected during wage arrestment.

Our discussions will highlight:

· The impact of wage arrestment on financial wellbeing and living standards.

· The role of the Minimum Income Guarantee in protecting against financial hardship.

· Insights from experts in mental health, poverty research, and money advice

Our goal is to foster a deeper understanding of the challenges experienced by people with problem debt and to explore actionable solutions that uphold the principles of financial justice and security.

Don’t miss this chance to attend this important event where ensuring financial stability and combating poverty will be discussed.

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