Black Women's Healing Circle

Black Women's Healing Circle
18 July 2024
6:30 p.m.

Welcome to the Black Women's Healing Circle! Join us for a virtual gathering where we celebrate and uplift each other. This event is a safe space for Black women to come together, share stories, and support one another. The healing circle will be focussed on healing from work experiences. The theme will be the load that we carry and the load(s) that we are given. We will share, empower, and uplift each other.

The group will start with a creative introduction and we will end with a relaxing guided meditation. It will be a great opportunity to meet new people and leave feeling held and heard. The group will be hosted by a Black Trauma Therapist. The circle is limited to 15 guests maximum to keep the space intimate and safe. Donation and paid tickets are available.

Before joining the group please feel free to create the right energy in your room: light some candles, burn incense, put on relaxing music, whatever you need to cultivate a peaceful environment. This will be the first of a series of groups with a different item each time.

Come as you are and let's cultivate healing together. We look forward to seeing you there!

Price 10.46
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