YouTube is TV: How to seize the opportunity

YouTube is TV: How to seize the opportunity
1 October 2024
10:30 a.m.

According to a recent Nielsen announcement, ,">span>, ahead of Netflix and Prime Video. Viewers globally now watch more than 1 billion hours on average of YouTube content on their TVs every day. For advertisers, this is opening a new opportunity to connect with audiences in a meaningful and engaging way.

Precise TV invites you to an exclusive brunch event to meet your peers, hear from industry leaders and discuss the challenges they have faced running YouTube ads on CTV and how they are now using this platform to drive sales and engagement rather than just traditional linear impressions usually associated with the device the ads are delivered on.

Our last event was oversubscribed, so don’t delay signing up. We hope to see you there.

P.s. If you would like to submit a question in advance for our panel to discuss, please email [email protected].


10:30-10:45 Guest Arrival

10:45 - 11:00 Opening remarks from Christian Dankl, Co-Founder & Chairman, Precise TV

11:00- 11:15 Mike Shields presents YouTube and CTV research

11:15 -11:45 Mike Shields - fireside chat with Brian Albert, Managing Director of US video at Google

11:45 - 12:00 Break

12:00 - 12:45 Panel discussion with industry experts chaired by Denis Crushell, CCO Precise TV

Feel free to stay until 2pm to chat with other guests, panellists and Precise TV about all things YouTube and CTV.

Price Free
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