Scratch Day NYC

Scratch Day NYC

Scratch Day gathers kids, families, educators, innovators, and the Scratch Team for a celebration of creative learning! This year’s theme is Create Your Own Adventure, and will feature a variety of interactive stations to engage guests of all ages in unplugged making, digital art and animation, music, movement, and coding activities using Scratch and ScratchJr.

Registration is required to secure your free tickets.

What is Scratch Day?

Scratch Days bring together kids, educators, families, friends, and the ">span> team to imagine, create, and share! This year, Scratch Foundation is thrilled to be hosting our own Scratch Day, Create Your Own Adventure, at Civic Hall in New York City.

The event will kick off with an opening ceremony and move into a variety of hands-on activities: from creating your own games, stories, and animations with Scratch to robotics and art making activities.

Scratch Day Schedule

1:00-4:00 | Registration & All-Day Activities

Doors open at 1:00 for a variety of events to get you into the Scratch Day spirit. Say hello and meet Scratch Team members who keep Scratch running and friendly for all, and head into the space to check out the hands-on activities! 😻

1:15-1:25 | Opening Ceremony

Welcome from the Scratch Team and overview of event activities.

1:00-4:00 | Hands-on Activities

Participants are encouraged to explore the space and engage in participatory activities together!

There will be a variety of arts, crafts, making, robotics, digital arts, music, and coding activities using ScratchJr and Scratch. Look forward to activities like:

  • Makey Makey Mashup
  • Build the Change Workshop
  • Scratch Day Selfie Booth
  • DIY Scratch Cat Ears & Party Shakers
  • Scratch Lab: Explore Experimental Scratch Blocks
  • Making Faces: Create Inventive 3D Portraits
  • Secret Messages with Morse Code: Craft Wearable Morse Code Art
  • Create a Storm!: Design Your Own Wearable Storm Cloud
  • STEM from Dance

3:30-4:00 | Closing Ceremony

The Scratch Team will host a closing activity to inspire you to keep imagining, creating, and sharing at home!

Age Considerations

We invite kids of all ages, young people, and adults interested in creative learning to come create along with the Scratch Team. While ScratchJr is typically geared towards kids ages 4-7 and the Scratch coding platform is typically used by ages 8 through infinity, event activities will be open to all ages to tinker, create, and play! Children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during the entirety of the Scratch Day event.

Bring Your Own Device (if possible)

Due to the focus on digital creation, we recommend attendees bring their own device if possible. For Scratch, we recommend a Chromebook or laptop. For ScratchJr, we recommend an Apple or Android tablet. There will be devices available for use throughout the day depending on the activity, so it is not required to bring a device if you’re unable to do so.

Scratch Day registration grants Scratch Foundation the following:

  • Record my (or my child’s participation, if purchasing as guardian) image on video, audio, film, photograph, or any other medium during the event.
  • Use my (or my child’s) image and likeness for any lawful purpose related to Scratch and hereby release the Scratch Foundation from any liability of any kind, including, but not limited to, royalties to me or the student, and our respective heirs, assigns, executors, and personal administrators, arising from or in any way connected to the Scratch Foundation’s use.
  • Reproduce, distribute, publicly display and/or publicly perform, either electronically or by any other medium, and to allow others to do the same, the recordings and/or copies of the materials listed above, in whole or in part and without restrictions or limitations, for educational and related non-profit purposes.

Contact: [email protected] with questions.

Price Free
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