Reinventing Value Chains to fit within the net zero operating space

Reinventing Value Chains to fit within the net zero operating space
23 September 2024
11:30 a.m.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2024: 11:30AM - 12:10PM EDT

Interest and efforts for working with company value chain emissions is ever increasing, and the magnitude of the needed transformation is becoming clearer. We have to change how we work, think and what we aim for when it comes to reductions. In some cases we need a complete transformation of what a value chain may look like and the actors, products and services that are in the midst of these value chains.

In this session we will discuss various ways to drastically reduce value chain emissions, through collaboration, improvements and innovations.

Coming soon...

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This Climate Week NYC, step into the future with.


Returning for the third consecutive year, Google, The Exponential Roadmap, the Sustainable Entertainment Alliance and Futerra have gathered climate experts, entrepreneurs, storytellers and influencers, all driven by the same purpose – to accelerate exponential climate action.

Our motto is ANSWERS ONLY, an ethos that runs through every discussion, showcase, and workshop - pushing us further towards transformation.

Reserve your spot for a week that promises to be nothing short of extraordinary.

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