Public Art Fund Talks: Huma Bhabha

Public Art Fund Talks: Huma Bhabha
30 September 2024
6:30 p.m.

In this talk, artist Huma Bhabha will discuss her Public Art Fund exhibition, ,">span>, which is on view at Brooklyn Bridge Park until Spring 2025. Bhabha, renowned for her ability to reinvent the figure and explore its expressive potential, creates eccentric characters that captivate through their contradictions. Her innovative practice spans sculpture, drawings, and photography. In conversation with Nicholas Baume, Artistic & Executive Director at Public Art Fund, Bhabha will provide insights into her work and discuss her influences and process in creating the enigmatic sculptures for Before The End, which blend elements of science fiction, horror, and mythology.

Attend in person at The Cooper Union’s Great Hall. Registration is required, and capacity is limited. Seating is first come, first served, so please arrive early. Your registration does not guarantee a seat. Doors will close at 6:45pm.

Accessibility: Email Gabriela López Dena, Associate Curator of Public Practice, at [email protected] with questions and requests for accessibility. Please send any needs for services or accommodations to support your participation in this program, including ASL interpretations, hearing aids, and simultaneous translation, by September 20, 2024.

Banner Image:
Huma Bhabha: Before The End
Nothing Falls, 2024; Member, 2024
Courtesy of the artist; David Zwirner; Kiran Nadar Museum of Art, New Delhi.
Photo: Nicholas Knight, courtesy of Public Art Fund, NY.
Presented by Public Art Fund at Brooklyn Bridge Park, New York City, Apr 30, 2024 – Mar 9, 2025.

Price Free
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The Great Hall at Cooper Union

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