October 7th First Anniversary Commemoration

October 7th First Anniversary Commemoration

The World Values Network is honored to welcome you to the first October 7th Anniversary Memorial Ceremony, honoring the memory of our brothers and sisters murdered on October 7th, the hostages who are still in imminent danger and all our soldiers who risked and continue to risk their lives everyday to free the hostages and defend Israel. The main program will take place in the heart of Times Square, to be followed by a special sit down dinner nearby for VIP participants.

Speaker's list and full program to be updated soon.

Kindly note, a doantion is necessay to prevent spammers from blocking out all our tickets- donation can be as minimal as $1.

For arrival, please enter from the south (45th st), as 46th and 7th will be barricaded by NYPD. Please bring flags and other visibility materials- doors open at 4.15PM.

Price Free
update information

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