Connections in Recovery Manhattan Mental Health and Addiction Symposium

Connections in Recovery Manhattan Mental Health and Addiction Symposium
4 October 2024
9:30 a.m.

Connections in Recovery Manhattan’s Mental Health and Addiction Symposium on October 4, 2024, will feature a series of compelling presentations by four esteemed experts in the field. Dr. Timothy Fong, a Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and co-director of the UCLA Gambling Studies Program, will kick off the symposium with a session on the impact of sports betting on mental and physical health. His workshop will explore how the rapid expansion of sports betting in the U.S. influences gambling behavior and individual well-being, offering insights into effective clinical practices for treating sports bettors.

Following this, Dr. Don Grant, an internationally recognized media psychologist and expert on technology’s impact on mental health, will present on healthy device management and digital citizenship. His session will delve into the dual-edged impact of millennial devices, discussing both their benefits and the potential risks they pose, particularly to adolescents. Dr. Grant will provide attendees with practical strategies for managing device-centric behaviors in their clients, patients, and themselves.

After a lunch break, Dr. Carrie Wilkens, Co-Founder and Clinical Director of the Center for Motivation and Change, will lead a session on engaging and supporting families of individuals with substance use disorders (SUDs). Dr. Wilkens will address the significant impact SUDs have on families and offer evidence-based approaches to integrate family members into treatment without the stigma of labels like "co-dependency."

The symposium will conclude with a presentation by Dr. Jonathan Avery, Vice Chair for Addiction Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medicine, on the pervasive stigma surrounding addiction. Dr. Avery will examine the societal and medical community's negative attitudes toward individuals with SUDs, providing evidence-based strategies to reduce stigma and improve care. Through interactive discussions, attendees will learn to become advocates for compassionate addiction treatment, ultimately enhancing patient outcomes.

4 CEs offered.

Cost: $45.00 per ticket.

9:30 AM - Registration

10:00 AM - Introduction by Connections in Recovery

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM - Learning Session

Presenter: Timothy Fong, MD

The Impact of Sports Betting on Body, Brain and Mind

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM - Learning Session

Presenter: Don Grant, Ph.D., MA, MFA, SUDCC IV, DAC

LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES: Healthy Device Management & Good Digital Citizenship Skills For Our Clients, Patients, Families, and Selves

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM - LUNCH (Sponsored by Center for Motivation and Change)

1:15 PM - 2:15 PM - Learning Session

Presenter: Carrie Wilkens, PhD

OUR GREATEST UNDERUTILIZED ALLIES: How to Engage and Support the Families of People Using Substances without Labels of Co-Dependency or Tough Love

2:15 PM - 3:15 PM - Learning Session

Presenter: Jonathan Avery, MD

The Stigma of Addiction


9:30 am - 3:15 pm

Scandinavia House

58 Park Ave

New York, NY 10016

Price $ 45.00
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