Celebrating Louise Nevelson at 125

Celebrating Louise Nevelson at 125
1 October 2024
6 p.m.

Join us to celebrate the 125th birthday of artist and League alumna Louise Nevelson (1899-1988). Founder and Chairman of Pace Gallery Arne Glimcher, who has exhibited Nevelson’s work since 1961, will be in conversation with Julia Bryan-Wilson, PhD, Columbia University professor and author of Louise Nevelson’s Sculpture: Drag, Color, Join, Face (Yale University Press, 2023). The conversation will be moderated by Oliver Shultz, PhD, Chief Curator at Pace Gallery.   


This panel will focus on Nevelson’s life and impact on the art world. Nevelson studied at the League with Kenneth Hayes Miller, Hans Hofmann, and George Grosz, eventually becoming world-renowned for her monumental and monochromatic wood sculptures and wall pieces. Nevelson will be honored at the e590207">span> on November 4 with a posthumous award for her legacy at the League and the arts. 

Header image: Louise Nevelson and Arne Glimcher, Founder, Pace Gallery. Courtesy of Pace Gallery.

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