Bastille Day Party with Jacobin

Bastille Day Party with Jacobin
12 July 2024
7 p.m.

After the storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, the British ambassador in Paris said it best: “The troops left the capital and the populace remained the unmolested masters of everything.” This Bastille Day, join Jacobin to celebrate the mob that made modern politics.

Jacobin’s Bhaskar Sunkara will be joined by economist Branko Milanovic to discuss his important work on capitalism and inequality. We’ll close the evening with plenty of drinks and music to celebrate the revolutionary tradition that inspires us to continue the fight for a mass socialist politics.

Admission is FREE, but $10 solidarity tickets will get you a yearlong print subscription, and $20 supporter tickets will get a subscription plus a Jacobin tote!

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