Surfers' Paradise

Address: 17 Dukes Walk, South Wharf , VIC 3006

An artist residency and exhibition in Melbourne from Nov 1-10, featuring 15 Australian artists creating, documenting and uploading artwork to the internet.
The internet has introduced new ways for artists to create, exhibit and distribute their work. For the audience and art communities it provides a new context for the perception of art. Surfers’ Paradise will explore the working process of Australian artists engaging with this new paradigm with particular focus on cultural identity, materiality, aesthetics and the social function of their work. The artwork created at Surfers' Paradise will be catalogued and documented live on the event's website. A dialogue section of the website will present an ongoing conversation between the participants and will be open for public comments. At the conclusion of the residency, the studio space will be open to the public for a three day exhibition; giving the audience an opportunity to experience the material qualities of the artworks first presented online.

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