Tabletop Game Designers Australia Presents: DEVCON

Tabletop Game Designers Australia Presents: DEVCON
10 October 2024
4 p.m.

The TGDA is once again proud to welcome you to DevCon 2024!

DevCon is the annual gathering of Australian tabletop game designers, developers, artists, illustrators, and publishers.

The nights proceedings include a meet & greet / play testing across the afternoon, followed by informative presentations by industry members on a range of topics (you can find some previous years presentations here: ),">span>), an open Q&A and the annual TDGA yearly roundup.

NB: Please don't go Kings of Tokyo on us, any damages to be paid by TGDA.

4.00pm Event Opens​

4:00-6:30: Networking and Playtesting

5:30​ - Suggest getting food (BYO)

6.30pm Official Presentations Begin

6.30-6.35 Welcome

6.35 -7.10 Presentations

7.15-7.30 TGDA - A year in Review​​

7:30 - 7:45 Sponsor Thank yous

- Seperate area​​ for Q&A -

AREA 1 - 7:45-8.15 Q&A area open

AREA 2 - Networking and Playtesting - Quietly

8.15pm Q&A Conclude

8.15 -10.00 Networking and Playtesting

10.00pm Event Closes

DevCon would not be possible without the valued support of our sponsors and Patreon supporters. if you are not already, please consider supporting us here: TGDA.


If you are interested in sponsoring DevCon2023, please have a look at the sponsor levels in the tickets area, there are two levels available If you would like more information, please contact us for more details.

Covid Safety

TGDA are running a Covid safe event inline with the Victorian Government restrictions present at the time of our event. More details with specific requirements will be given to ticket holders closer to the date.

Tickets are to be purchased under the attendees name only. If you require a change of name on a ticket, please contact us to arrange before attending the event.

You are not permitted to attend if you have been instructed to quarantine by the Department of Health OR if you are unwell OR experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.

If you can't, or no longer wish to attend the event, you can refund your ticket directly through eventbrite for a full refund and your ticket will be made available to other attendees.

Price AUD 20.00 - 200.00
update information

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